Monday, July 15, 2013

Love my New Plan & Trail Running

So I feel a lot better with my new focus on mileage and following my new training plan! It is easier for me to watch my mileage increase on the treadmill than watching and focusing on the amount of  time it is taking me. I was also more motivated to amp up my pace to get to that 3 miles faster!

Happy After Running 3 Miles
I have decided to volunteer at this upcoming race:

It is not a race I am ready to do, but I wanted to help out and see what it is all about so I can participate next year. I just don't feel ready to run to the top of the mountain quite yet!! I am going to be running a few trail run 5k races in the upcoming months. One is in August and one is in September. I love the idea of running in the mountains...I can't wait!!

My Weekend:

It was the sweetie's birthday on Saturday and we spent the day at a car show and a rodeo! It was pretty darn hot, but it was a fun family day!

So cute as they share a love of cool old cars!

My little pouting...she had "tired legs"...I joined in and pouted too :)

My cute cowgirl enjoying the rodeo!
  • Do you do any trail running?
  • Have you done a 5k race in the mountain?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Changing my Training Focus

I have been using a training plan application on my phone that has been focusing more on the time I run instead of distance. I have signed up for another 5k and even signed up for a 15k (this one isn't until March 2014). 

I think it is time to start working on increasing my mileage...not too fast too soon of course! I found a 10k training plan online and printed a copy that I have put up in my office. I wanted to be able to physically cross off my training days. I start school again in just a few short weeks and nursing school is crazy busy. I need all the motivation I can get to keep my running up. This is why I signed up for a race that is 8 months out. Last semester I joined the gym since we get an amazing discount ($25 for 4 months) and the first day I went to the gym was the last day of the semester when I got serious about running! Walking all day in the hospital as a student nurse is better exercise than sitting in the classroom, but I needed more. 

 My new plan:

Yesterday my lil one and I went to visit some friends who live in a tiny town about 1.5 hours away. I love going to visit in summer since we go to the town pool and there are only 10 people there. Life of a small town is so different than a big city. I lived in a small town for many years and I'm just not a small town girl. I prefer the larger city...not too big though :)

Hope you have a great weekend!

* Do you follow a training plan for your running?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My First 5k!

Last Saturday I completed my first 5k in over 4 years. I did a few 5k fun runs back in the day, but I never did them as a runner. This race started at 7:20am and was a half marathon and 5k. As soon as I got out of the truck to walk over to the pack of people, I felt so out of place. The women were obviously runners and had been running for a lot longer than my short 8 weeks. I started the comparison game and knew I needed to stop. I realized that those runner ladies I was scoping out were there for the 13.1 miles!

The course was pretty flat and the weather was beautiful. I finished the race in 37 minutes. I was 6th out of 13 women in my age category (I'm 35). I felt so good after the race that I went home and signed up for my next one...a 5k trail run up in the mountains in September. I caught the race bug and am even hoping to sign up for the Hot Chocolate 15k in Seattle next March. I have to check my school schedule before I sign up for that though. My little one had to stay at the Ronald McDonald House in Seattle once, so this race raises money for is close to my heart!

All this excitement and then I got an email with my race day photos...and I couldn't believe I looked like that. Needless to say, I didn't place an order for these photos! I had been hoping that running would help me with losing the 20 lbs I have put on since starting nursing school. When I saw the picture, it confirmed that just because I run now, I can't expect to eat crappy and lose the weight. I have gained muscle for sure as my legs are a lot more toned than before, but those extra lbs can only melt away if I start to make good food choices. I felt a little disappointed for a day, but felt renewed as I reminded myself that just 9 weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch with no energy, wondering how I would ever get into shape. Now, I wake up with energy and the desire to run and let my body move.

Comparing ourselves to others just brings us down. Learning to listen to my body and being happy with where I am right here right now is what I get to focus on to be happy. Upward and onward as one of my professors loves to say... for today is a new day full of opportunities to make good choices!

The course for the race followed the Spokane River!
  • Do you have a race that you are wanting to sign up for?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Spinning in circles

I think I am officially addicted to Spin class! I went to the gym yesterday to run, and after I ran 2 miles, I was pooped. I wasn't just physically drained, I was emotionally drained. A previous friend of mine decided to send a nasty message to me and it hurt me to my core. It was so hard to stay focused during my run and I ended up just getting off the treadmill feeling defeated.

I knew that there was a Spin class (they call it a cycle class at my gym) at 12 and I wasn't ready to completely give up on my exercise for the day. So, I went home, grabbed my cycle shoes I wear when I mountain bike, put on my padded bike shorts and went back to the gym. The instructor pushed us so hard and I gave it my all for the whole 60 minutes. It was amazing to focus my hurt onto the pedals of that stationary bike as the music was blaring. 

So, after I got home with a renewed focus, I wrote that friend a message back. I let them know that I was sad that they said hurtful things, but that I still thought they were a great person and I valued the time we shared as friends. My heart and my body felt is such a process of learning...a journey of ups and downs!

Me after class with a clear mind and one sweaty shirt!

My great Saucony running shoes and little Buck

Here are my mountain bike shoes that clip in and work with the Spin bikes. They are a bit different than the road shoes, but provide a sturdy platform and gave me much needed support for my poor hurting heel!

  • How do you handle rude people
  • Have you ever done a Triathalon? I am thinking this might be fun down the road after I get a few running races under my belt!