Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 5 on my couch to 5k

I am almost done with week 5 on my couch to 5k program. Today I ran 8 minutes straight then walked 5 minutes and ran another 8 minutes. This is the most I have run without stopping in over 4 years. It feels amazing to have kept up with my plan to get back into running.

I bought new running shoes and socks as well as a pair of running shorts. I paid for a summer membership at my gym instead of just thinking I would run outside. I know myself better and having paid for the membership, I am more motivated to hit the gym. This way I can lift weights as well as do my running program.

I just installed a new program on my phone, a 10k running plan that I will use instead of my 5k program. It is by Zen labs and it has the same 5k program that I was using built into the 10k. Now that I am able to actually run and am getting off the couch to do it, I know it is time for me to revamp my diet. I am an overeater and love sweets. I just bought Bob Harper's book, Jumpstart to Skinny, and am reading that in prep for a jumpstart! I want to get back down to my weight from 4 years ago...125. I am currently 146 as of this morning.

So, the plan is a summer transformation!

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